Popular sites & services
Search ALA
Search species, datasets, regions, localities, environmental layers, and more.
Spatial Portal
Map, visualise and analyse relationships between species, location and environment.
Access ALA support articles, user guides and case studies, and contact ALA.
Explore your area
Enter a street address, GPS coordinates, postcode or place name to find out what species live near you.
Search occurrence records
Search occurrence records in the ALA by species, taxon, dataset, date, location, data provider and more.

Create surveys, capture data in the field, and manage your biodiversity, ecological and natural resource management data.
ALA Biosecurity Hub
Learn about the ALA’s tools and projects in the biosecurity space.
ALA Labs
Read about our team’s experiments in code, data analysis & visualisation.
Core components

Atlas of Living Australia
Home page and general information about the ALA.
Australia’s natural history collections
Browse Australia’s collection institutions, the collections they hold and view records of individual specimens.
Browse specimen images from Austraila’s natural history collections made available by the museums and herbaria of Australia.
Share your data
Upload your biodiversity data to the ALA: occurrence data, images, sound files, genomic data, museum specimens.
Species lists
Upload your own list of species to use in the ALA or use a list uploaded by other ALA users or data providers.
ALA dashboard
View the key stats associated with ALA’s data repository and services: the number of records, species, data providers, environmental data and much more.
Search ALA datasets
Search datasets provided to the ALA by collecting institutions, individual collectors and community groups.
Search or browse expert information and Indigenous Ecological Knowledge about collections of species.
Download predefined datasets
Access, download and save ALA datasets, large data exports and desktop software.
Mobile apps
Download apps for your mobile devices.
Explore regions
Browse pre-defined areas and biogeographic regions using a map-based biodiversity discovery tool.
Spatial Portal
Visualise and analyse relationships between species, location and environment.
Find Australian marine fishes by location and depth.

Create and run your own surveys, capture data in the field, and manage biodiversity, ecological and natural resource management data.
Community hubs
Flora of Australia
Access authoritative information on names, characteristics, distribution and habitat of Australian plants.
Access records in Australia’s Virtual Herbarium.
Access records in the Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums.
Citizen science and education
Australian iconic species
Browse Australia’s most recognisable species.
Citizen Science Project Finder
Search, find and connect with a citizen science project that interests you.
Contribute to science by transcribing historical museum records and images.

Record a sighting
Upload your observations, identify species, and contribute to the ALA.
Developer resources
API docs portal
View a full list of ALA’s APIs.
International Living Atlases
Install and run the ALA platform with help from an international community of existing users and see the list of countries using the ALA.

ALA GitHub repository
View ALA open source code at GitHub.
About ALA

About us
Read about the ALA, our team, governance and strategic plans.
ALA for researchers
Access content and links for ecoscientists, taxonomists and collection owners.

News & media
Read about the latest ALA news and access ALA social media.
ALA for government and land managers
Access content and links for federal, state and local governments, natural resource managers and rangers, landowners and community groups.

Indigenous ecological knowledge
Find out how ALA is working in partnership with Indigenous communities to bridge boundaries between Indigenous knowledge and western science.
ALA for community and schools
Access content and links for citizen scientists, community groups, educators, students and families.
Brochures and reports
See a range of publications produced by the ALA.
ALA-cited publications
A searchable list of academic publications that have cited the ALA or ALA data.

ALA logo and identity
Download ALA, BioCollect and iNaturalist Australia logo files